extended reality and user experience


smeerws Hi, my name is Susanne Meerwald-Stadler (hello@xrux.at). I am a PhD student, working as a research fellow at the Center for Human-Computer Interaction (University of Salzburg, Austria). A central question of my scientific work is how to improve human-robot interaction to make it more intuitive and usable for the end-user. With an industry partner we started to investigate the potential and applicability of augmented reality (AR) in the area of industrial robot control and programming. I gather first experiences in AR development and held in the hands my first AR research prototype. Besides my passion for robots, the excitement of augmented and virtual reality has attracted me ever since. The deeper I get into the matter, the more fascinated am I by the possibilities these technologies create to enrich our working and daily life. In March 2017 I started the Udacity Virtual Reality Nanodegree program to improve my development skills.


Augmented World Expo (AWE) 2017 Europe

impressions of the awe conf and expo

Date: 19./20. October 2017, Munich, Germany

This year, I visited the Augmented World Expo (AWE) Europe in Munich for the first time. It was great to try out many different AR and VR systems. One of my favorites was the welding system from Seabery. The experience with this system was great. I loved to see ARYZON, a startup that produces an AR Cardbord headset. A funny thing beside, none of the Auggie Award winners was present at the final award ceremony.

VR Summit 2017 Salzburg


Date: 5. October 2017, Salzburg, Austria

I attended the 2nd VR Summit 2017 in Salzburg. There were a lot of inspiring talks and exhibitions. It was very surprising that no one submitted a project in the category mobility for the innovation award.

Ars Electronica Festival 2017: Artificial Intelligence -- Das andere ich


Date: 7.-11. September 2017, Linz, Austria

I visited the 38th Ars Electronica Festival on Friday. This year's topic was Artificial Intelligence. A lot of funny things, artistic installations, critical talks, robots, VR, AR and also an adults area was part of the program. It was great! See you at the next Ars Electronica festival.

ditact '17: Augmented Reality -- Die Erweiterung der Welt wie wir sie kennen


Event: ditact '17 women's IT studies, Workshop Augmented Reality

Datum: 30. August 2017, 9:00 - 15:30, Uni Nonntal, 5020 Salzburg

Lektorin: Susanne Meerwald-Stadler

Tutorin: Cornelia Zenz

Augmented Reality (AR) ist die Erweiterung der physischen Welt mit Computer-generiertem Inhalt. Ein prominenter Vertreter ist das location-based AR Spiel Pokémon Go, ein anderer die Multimedia-App Snapchat. Aber was heisst AR wirklich? Was ist der Unterschied zu Virtual Reality (VR) und was ist dann Mixed Reality (MR)? Welche Technologie und welches Potential steckt dahinter? Wie könnte AR und VR die Welt wie wir sie kennen verändern? Ziel dieses Workshops ist, diesen Fragen nachzugehen. Zuerst vertiefen wir unser Wissen anhand von vielen Beispielen aus unterschiedlichsten Bereichen, wo AR eingesetzt wird, wie Mode, Architektur, Werbung, oder Roboterprogrammierung. Für VR könnt ihr euch Hands-on ansehen welchen Unterschied es macht sich die virtuelle Welten mit dem Google Card Board, der Oculus Rift oder der Vive anzusehen. Der zweite Teil des Workshops wird genutzt, der AR-Welt "Hallo" zu sagen, mit AR zu experimentieren und, wer möchte, eine erste kleine AR Anwendung zu programmieren.

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Video Playlist ditact '17:

HRI '17: International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction


Event: HRI '17, poster presentation

Datum: 6.-9. March 2017, Vienna

Download Poster

RO-MAN '16: International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication


Event: RO-MAN '16, oral presentation, full paper

Datum: 26.-31. August 2017, New York City

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Download presentation

last update: Thursday, 12-Sep-2017 13:18:08 CEST